We went to the creepy guy's house again, the giant one with the pool and emus. 'Twas fun. The four of us had a really great time. We swam for a little bit, but the pool was freezing, so we didn't stay in for long. We saw the emus....they must have been hungry because they tried to eat us. First one pecked Freja in the back, and then I was standing there, minding my own business, taking a picture, when I see an EMU HEAD in the corner of my eye. Def. not something you want to see....they kept coming up behind us and trying to peck us in the back and feet....def. did not do that last time.....
Then we went on an adventure. We walked down the highway type thing(but it wasn't busy since it's pretty much in the middle of nowhere), some people whistled at us. That's always real polite. I called them pigs, but then remembered I said it in English. Oops.

We walked under some fence thing, kind of like barbed wire, but not really, and went exploring on a giant sand..hill thing. It was wicked hard to climb up. We saw bones on the way there, some leg bones and pelvic(?) bones, but they looked to big to be human. Eh...kind of really creepy. We hung out on the dunes for awhile and took pictures and such....we saw what looked like lizard prints, and decided that no matter how cool it was, we did not want to see the lizard(they were big footprints!) We were gone atleast an hour....but I don't think anyone noticed.
More hanging out was had. We played "Never Have I Ever" and talked with some boy. Well, mostly I talked to him since it was me and Alyssa, and she doesn't know much Spanish. So we were allowed to speak English today! yay! haha
It was a lot more exciting than I just made it sound, I swear. I have pictures too....but can't promise they'll be on my Yahoo! site soon....it takes forever to load pictures on this computer....don't know why, so I'm lazy a lot. Oh well.
Photos are up from this weekend! For those of you who don't know/forgot/whatever, it's
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