In Puerto Natales, we had a bit of time to wander around and see how crazy beautiful this area is. Mira:

I thinkthinkthink that it was after lunch we set off for a CAVE! The Cave of the Milodón, I believe, which is an extinct bear(however, Jules the Canadian, with the help of Simon, the Denmarkian, led me to believe that the bear still existed. Psh.) . And yes, there was a plastic look-alike which terrified both me and Maureen:

The cave was pretty cool, but the hike that we took afterwards was better, in my opinion. Utterly tiring, but incredibly gorgeous and worth it. For serious, it involved CLIMBING UP A MOUNTAIN, which is fine by me because that was on my Chile! List of things to do. Anyhoo...we climbed up the mountain and got to see an amaaaazing view. Fo rizzle.

Howeverrrr during the hike, some kids ran off ahead, and didn't hear the chaperones screaming for them to come back, so we all got a call that night from Jobanni(dundundunnn). It was then we all learned that pobrecita Niki from Canada was being sent home. She left Valentine's Day, actually. So that was sad.
I don't know where I'm going with this post here are some pictures to keep you all happy. Also....a video I took at the entrance of the cave with Maureen. You can see the fear in our eyes!
Tomorrow.....Torres del Paine!

aaaand....just for's a picture of my FIRST NIGHT in Chile, at the orientation; me and Allison(from VT), and one of me, Allison again, Francesca and Sarah(all US kids) recien, en the cave:

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