So it would appear this would be my last entry until I'm in the US unless something utterly exciting happens...which I doubt.
I've started my packing....which is quite a process, which involves making a disaster out of my room. It's okay though, I've already warned mamá not to go in, in order to avoid having her have a heartattack with all the disaster. I would take a picture, but unfortunately, my camera has finally died. When it manages to turn on, it tells me the batteries are depleted(despite them being new batteries) and turns off. Or, if I take a picture, as soon as I press the button, it turns off. So....if anyone wants to get me an AMAZING welcome home present, I'm in need of a new camera. I will def. be calling HP though, because for the past few months, my camera has had my pictures hijacked, and also the fact that one of their products can last only a year and a half is more than concerning. Oh well....atleast it made it this far, although I really would have liked to have pictures from my last week. Damn. Excuse my French, but trust me, that's the most subtle thing that comes to mind right now.
Anyway. Started packing, and just about finished with my shopping. Just need to take out more money and buy a clock that I've been eyeing all year. Because yes, Kelsey manages to spend a good $30.000 pesos in gifts in one day. Go me, basically. But people at home better not be complaining, because I've bought some pretty sweet gifts, if I do say so myself.
My last Rotary meeting was quite nice, though. I thought it would be held at the club like all the others, but no, this was at a restaurant. A girl just came back from Denmark, so I figure it's both a goodbye-our-favorite-exchange-student and welcome home thing. I got a wicked nice plaque from them, with my picture and such on it. Too bad it's heavy. Blegh. Oh well. I love my club either way, and my counselor is wicked sweet. Told me I've set the bar very high for others...that it's rare to have a student as nice, responsible, and respectful as me, and they're all proud to call me "theirs" :D But, considering my competition, it's really no surprise to me. Oops. What can I say? I'm amazing. head's killing me...I do believe I'm getting sick...atleast that's what my head, stomach and throat have been telling me. For the first time this year, I've resorted to painkillers(kind of?) Aspirina....I'm not sure if it's Aspirin persay, and I know that's bad for under 18, mom. But honestly, I need SOMETHING and all my ibuprofen's gone....and that's all there is here. Didn't work anyway. I'm just hoping it's gone by Friday....I really don't want to travel a good 20 hours or more feeling like this. Blegh.
Anyhoo. See (some of) you soon!
25 junio 2007
23 junio 2007
Kelsey's Wanderings....Revealed!!!
So I just got back from an adventure....
to SANTIAGOoooo!
It was quite exciting, and horribly adventurous.
'Twas a good time, and really nice to see s
uch a different place...from La Serena(with Coquimbo) at about 175.000 people, to Santiago, with just about 6 million. Yeah....different. Although, by the third day I was kind of longing for the familiarity and comfort of La Serena, to be honest. And coming home was really smelled like home! jaja...well, Chile home, that is....
I went with Mauricio...we left Monday morning at 9:30. Six hours later we got to Santiago. At first I was horribly overwhelmed, and my body did that stupid overwhelmed thing it does, headache and stomachache, but thank God no puking this time. Hurrah! We had somethi
ng to eat in a mall and took the metro(subway!) to my "aunt"'s apartment. We bought a Bip! card use it when you use micros and the metro, it's this whole thing with trans-Santiago(which is actually a disaster). anyhoo. During the week I saw Santa Lucia, a biiig hill with pretty things on it, San Cristobal, a giant hill with a big Virgin Mary statue, a mall, the Andes, random places in the city like the centro, La Moneda(which is the Chilean version of the White House, but a lot more open). La Moneda was pretty cool...made me realize how different the cultures are....their white house is in the middle of the city and you can walk into the courtyard of it(granted, there are cops everywhere telling you not to cross invisible lines...which I did, but whatev.). Very cool. There's lots of cool old architecture and such too. I wish I could say more in detail about it, but not now with my current English, and it's also kind of a lot to put. Oh! And I got to see a protest! Granted, it was small and pathetic, but still. Chileans looove to protest...they'll do it over anything. Last year there was a huuuge protest like, all over the country in high schools and such, and it would appear it could happen again, not long ago a high school like, took it? Cops were involved and everything...and the U. de Chile(I believe) had signs all over it. They never stop complaining about their education, honestly.
Trans-Santiago. Oh my. The transportation of the city was like, re-done, but it's kind of a disaster. They have those Bip! cards, which are kind of annoying, but cute and make a funny sound, so it's okay. The metro is very reliable and clean and organized, and i like i
t, but the micros are horrible! They hardly ever pass, and when they do, they're filled up and together, so you end up waiting a good 40 minutes for a micro. There used to be a whooole bunch that would go all over the city, but with trans-Santiago, it's redone so that there's less, and they only go in certain parts, aka, in order to get to the centro, you might need to take TWO micros, whereas before you could just catch one. AND, they only stop in bus stops, no more sticking your finger out for them, like in La Serena. So why not take a colectivo, right? Well, they're always full too, and it costs MIL PESOS to go ANYWHERE. MIL! that's 1,000!!! in La Serena, and most places, it costs 350! I used to think people were being stupid about all this Trans-Santiago nonsense, but now that I've experienced it myself, I completely understand. It was day we ended up walking home because every micro that passed was too full...and by too full I mean, faces squished up against the glass, and doors not even closed full. It's ridiculous.
Anyway, now on to some eye candy.....
Santa Lucia:
University and signs.

and now....I'm off to my last Rotary meeting! chao chao!
to SANTIAGOoooo!
It was quite exciting, and horribly adventurous.
'Twas a good time, and really nice to see s

I went with Mauricio...we left Monday morning at 9:30. Six hours later we got to Santiago. At first I was horribly overwhelmed, and my body did that stupid overwhelmed thing it does, headache and stomachache, but thank God no puking this time. Hurrah! We had somethi

Trans-Santiago. Oh my. The transportation of the city was like, re-done, but it's kind of a disaster. They have those Bip! cards, which are kind of annoying, but cute and make a funny sound, so it's okay. The metro is very reliable and clean and organized, and i like i

Anyway, now on to some eye candy.....
Santa Lucia:


University and signs.


and now....I'm off to my last Rotary meeting! chao chao!
17 junio 2007
Freja l
eft Friday night for Santiago, and it was horribly sad and slightly dramastic.
We went to school on Thursday to say one last goodbye to everyone. Freja's classmates were really nice and talked with us. Mine....did not. One of them waved to me.....and that's about it. I got well wishes when I stuck my head in the classroom and said Hey! I'm classmates were....well, my classmates. I was a bit disappointed....I guess I stupidly believed they would be different. Oh well. The music teacher was sad to see us go, along with all the teachers and people who work there, so I guess that kind of made up for it.
After we said goodbye, Freja and I went to the centro to get some gifts and have lunch. By this time, it was pouring. It had sprinkled a little earlier while we were in school, but we didn't expect anything els
e.....I've seen "rain" here in Serena three times, and never for more than 5 minutes. This rain.....was quite the downpour at times, and lasted all day. It was a Christmas miracle! either way, we enjoyed it, despite getting quite wet....we even bought an umbrella so that we could manage our way through the centro....yeah....lots of rain.
Today, being Father's Day, I cooked lunch! Hurrah! It was quite exciting. Or rather....slightly annoying. I made chicken parmesan. But I also went out last night, and so I was NOT happy about waking up early to make lunch(after going out, I require lots of sleep since the night ends so late....I usually sleep up until just before lunch is served) Let me tell you, despite what you may believe, cooking while feeling half dead, is not very exciting at all. Either way, I did it, and my host family liked it. I learned a few things along the way as well....the most important being that I need to marry a man who will cook for me, because me and this cooking thing? Yeah, not so much a good match. I dont' particularly like the raw chicken thing, and I'm very surprised I'm not burned from the oil I had, fry? it in. I'm also surprised that the house is still standing. haha....I did however, learn that you should NOT leave the lid on top of a pot while you're making pasta because it tends to overflow. and, among other things, I made a big mess. hehe, oops. I'm quite glad my family found it entertaining and like me so much. :D I also cooked in my host mom at first was all !&@¼ about it, but I told her I like to cook in PJs, and she was fine. hehe. Host moms.....
I'm about to embark on an adventure. Unfortunately, I can't say what it is quite yet. I will, however, have an update about this time next week where I will reveal Kelsey's Wanderings to the world. Hurrah! Until then....enjoy this feast for the eyes.
Ornela. My only nice classmate. She's the one I usually go out with. She's going to South Africa on exchange July 8th.
I was really happy for this. See that box? That would be RAW chicken. yummy.
The aftermath.
More for the parents: RAW chicken. And my hands. touching it. EW.
Freja l

We went to school on Thursday to say one last goodbye to everyone. Freja's classmates were really nice and talked with us. Mine....did not. One of them waved to me.....and that's about it. I got well wishes when I stuck my head in the classroom and said Hey! I'm classmates were....well, my classmates. I was a bit disappointed....I guess I stupidly believed they would be different. Oh well. The music teacher was sad to see us go, along with all the teachers and people who work there, so I guess that kind of made up for it.
After we said goodbye, Freja and I went to the centro to get some gifts and have lunch. By this time, it was pouring. It had sprinkled a little earlier while we were in school, but we didn't expect anything els

Today, being Father's Day, I cooked lunch! Hurrah! It was quite exciting. Or rather....slightly annoying. I made chicken parmesan. But I also went out last night, and so I was NOT happy about waking up early to make lunch(after going out, I require lots of sleep since the night ends so late....I usually sleep up until just before lunch is served) Let me tell you, despite what you may believe, cooking while feeling half dead, is not very exciting at all. Either way, I did it, and my host family liked it. I learned a few things along the way as well....the most important being that I need to marry a man who will cook for me, because me and this cooking thing? Yeah, not so much a good match. I dont' particularly like the raw chicken thing, and I'm very surprised I'm not burned from the oil I had, fry? it in. I'm also surprised that the house is still standing. haha....I did however, learn that you should NOT leave the lid on top of a pot while you're making pasta because it tends to overflow. and, among other things, I made a big mess. hehe, oops. I'm quite glad my family found it entertaining and like me so much. :D I also cooked in my host mom at first was all !&@¼ about it, but I told her I like to cook in PJs, and she was fine. hehe. Host moms.....
I'm about to embark on an adventure. Unfortunately, I can't say what it is quite yet. I will, however, have an update about this time next week where I will reveal Kelsey's Wanderings to the world. Hurrah! Until then....enjoy this feast for the eyes.

Ornela. My only nice classmate. She's the one I usually go out with. She's going to South Africa on exchange July 8th.


I was really happy for this. See that box? That would be RAW chicken. yummy.

The aftermath.

More for the parents: RAW chicken. And my hands. touching it. EW.
13 junio 2007
Fotos from end of school, and a countdown.

07 junio 2007
Fotos(as promised last if you haven't!)

Aniversario de Scuola Italiana...Vamos Alianza ROJA!
so surprise surprise
I'm not dead.
I have, however been EXTREMELY busy. At the end of exchange, everyone wants to suddenly do things with you, and i've been trying my best to cram as much as possible into the little time I have left.
Had orientation en mayo. El 18 hasta el 20. 'Twas a good time....nice to see everyone, but sucked to say goodbye. we rated Rotary and such and just hung out the rest of the time. It was also REALLY nice to get out of Serena.
Jenny left the 27th from Serena and de Chile el 28 de mayo. Tears were shed. Maureen's the next to leave, the 9th from Serena. So you can only imagine how busy I am now.
My time has been spent doing final shopping, going out in the weekends(gotta get the partying in....can't go to discos in the US....) and spending as much time with the remainding La Serena Girls(LSG woot woot!)
This is my last week of school. My last day is Monday, when I will get a diploma of some sort from Scuola Italiana. Hurrah! Anyway, it is also the 16th anniversary of the school. Which, in Chile, as is with most things here, is a HUGE celebration. The school is divided into two alliances(alianzas), blue(azul) and red(roja). It's based on courses and such(1º and 4º are roja, 2º and 3º are azul, and younger grades, I don't know how they divide them). Anyway, I'm in the alianza roja. Yesterday was the big opening kind of thing for the aniversario events....we had a big dance competition type thing, little games, and a final dance. For each thing, the teams get points, and whoever has the most points on Sat. wins. There's a huge thing at the school with a king and queen and such. I'm sorry, it's hard to explain to people who haven't experienced it, esp. with my current English(I forgot the word "silverware" yesterday. oops). Anyway, this whole thing is HUGE in the school, VERY competitive. One kid, after doing a human table(which is when four people kind of lay on each other, but with legs bent, again, hard to explain), a kid went to the hospital. He was sick earlier, and shouldn't have done it at all, but did for his alianza.
So yesterday, it was huge. Red had one side, blue had another. Banners, drums, everyone dressed and painted in their colors, really cool. The school had even hired a DJ, and found judges to judge each team. Red started off first with their dance. It was ridiculoussss. We had cage like things, with people dancing in them, painted people, and a volcano. Out of the volcano came a boy in Freja's class who then breathed fire. It was CRAZY. Really cool. blue...well blue sucked :D
Red lost a lot in the beginning(like an eating competition that included eating and ONION...our kid puked), but we won a few afterwards. It was a good time....Freja and I got decked out in black and red(our colors) with Danish flag stickers on us, and wrapped ourselves in a giant Danish flag(there was another one and a Polish one...because they're red and such...). We handed out Danish flag stickers to people. It was a real good time. I'd type more about it, but my hands are FREEZING, and it makes it hard to type, and also I need to get ready for a top secret surprise going away party for someone special(aka Maureen.)
Posting again after this entry for some fotossss so this one isn't too long
chao chao
so surprise surprise
I'm not dead.
I have, however been EXTREMELY busy. At the end of exchange, everyone wants to suddenly do things with you, and i've been trying my best to cram as much as possible into the little time I have left.
Had orientation en mayo. El 18 hasta el 20. 'Twas a good time....nice to see everyone, but sucked to say goodbye. we rated Rotary and such and just hung out the rest of the time. It was also REALLY nice to get out of Serena.
Jenny left the 27th from Serena and de Chile el 28 de mayo. Tears were shed. Maureen's the next to leave, the 9th from Serena. So you can only imagine how busy I am now.
My time has been spent doing final shopping, going out in the weekends(gotta get the partying in....can't go to discos in the US....) and spending as much time with the remainding La Serena Girls(LSG woot woot!)
This is my last week of school. My last day is Monday, when I will get a diploma of some sort from Scuola Italiana. Hurrah! Anyway, it is also the 16th anniversary of the school. Which, in Chile, as is with most things here, is a HUGE celebration. The school is divided into two alliances(alianzas), blue(azul) and red(roja). It's based on courses and such(1º and 4º are roja, 2º and 3º are azul, and younger grades, I don't know how they divide them). Anyway, I'm in the alianza roja. Yesterday was the big opening kind of thing for the aniversario events....we had a big dance competition type thing, little games, and a final dance. For each thing, the teams get points, and whoever has the most points on Sat. wins. There's a huge thing at the school with a king and queen and such. I'm sorry, it's hard to explain to people who haven't experienced it, esp. with my current English(I forgot the word "silverware" yesterday. oops). Anyway, this whole thing is HUGE in the school, VERY competitive. One kid, after doing a human table(which is when four people kind of lay on each other, but with legs bent, again, hard to explain), a kid went to the hospital. He was sick earlier, and shouldn't have done it at all, but did for his alianza.
So yesterday, it was huge. Red had one side, blue had another. Banners, drums, everyone dressed and painted in their colors, really cool. The school had even hired a DJ, and found judges to judge each team. Red started off first with their dance. It was ridiculoussss. We had cage like things, with people dancing in them, painted people, and a volcano. Out of the volcano came a boy in Freja's class who then breathed fire. It was CRAZY. Really cool. blue...well blue sucked :D
Red lost a lot in the beginning(like an eating competition that included eating and ONION...our kid puked), but we won a few afterwards. It was a good time....Freja and I got decked out in black and red(our colors) with Danish flag stickers on us, and wrapped ourselves in a giant Danish flag(there was another one and a Polish one...because they're red and such...). We handed out Danish flag stickers to people. It was a real good time. I'd type more about it, but my hands are FREEZING, and it makes it hard to type, and also I need to get ready for a top secret surprise going away party for someone special(aka Maureen.)
Posting again after this entry for some fotossss so this one isn't too long
chao chao
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