The cake


Yo y mi mamá

With the jewelry.

Just being really hot. Obviously.

Mamá tries to steal my presents.

The La Serena Girlssss in my room before going out:

An online journal of all my happenings during my year in Chile with Rotary, 06-07
An online journal of all my happenings during my year in Chile with Rotary, 06-07
4 comentarios:
Love, Aunt Wendy :)
Herzlichen Glueckwunsch zum Geburtstag!
Have they also put your face in the torta? jajajj
Tenemos el Miercoles una reunion, Chillan y LA, con los Outbounds quienes se van en Augusto a otros paises. Y sin el Luke... :'( Ojala sean buena onda, como ustedes!!
kelsey! your birthday festivities sound amazing! i'm sad that i wasn't there to wish you a happy 17! :( :( i'm glad you had a fantastic day, and i can't WAIT for you to get home, although i'm sure you can :)
i loveee you!!
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