But I'm wicked skilled now and managed to get ready with time left over. Anyhoo.....a new guy was being....erm I'veforgottentheword into the club, so that's why.
Here are some fotosss:
My entire club:

Me and Alyssa(we're the only two with Coquimbo, she's Canadian):

And last but not least, me with the club president:

1 comentario:
Keeeeeeeeeeelsey! :)) I found your blogspot ;P I watched ur posts about the south-trip. Really great, and I love the videos! Recien Freja me dijo que Jobanni escribio un mail en que sale que la orientación va a ser el principio de Julio, casi todos de nosotros ya se fueron en esa fecha de Chile :'( I'll be here till 16th July. Oooh, imaginate, in exactly 3 month I'll be up there, in air, Brasil or something like that.. and I don't wanna leave this country with its people. Naja... igual, espero que y ojala nos vemos todos no-se-cuando, proonto! muuuxos besitos, Ki
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