Now that I actually have time to do so(this weekend's been wicked busy), I can actually update about what went downnn when Kelsey turned 17.
It was a pretty awesome day, I'd def say. It was Día del Alumno, so instead of uniforms, we got to wear regular clothes to school and do absolutely nothing. Hurrah! Everyone had a breakfast, but my class was über special, and we got to eat in the cafeteria. There were flowers and everyone got a bar of white chocolate. We had tea, a cake with manjar, and little sandwiches. It was so niceee. My class sang happy birthday to me too...and I actually felt noticed and it was way nice. Plus! I got an amazinggg suprise...two of my classmates that I've been going out with recently(a former and future exchanger, sisters) gave me a birthday present! It was so unexpected, considering that most of my class barely notices that I exist, and it def. helped make my day.
After doing nothing, Freja and I left school and met up with Maureen and her friend(who I've met once), Chewy on Balmaceda. He bought me a cake! It was waaaay sweet. We went to a place called On The Run, it's like a cafe thing at a gas station. We bought some juice and sat down and ate our cake. We didn't have plates, so we just ate it, haha. But we didn't eat a whole lot, so we cut some pieces and gave it to people who worked there, an Argentinian woman, and my colectivo driver friend! It was sooo nice. They were all so surprised and happy :D
Then Freja and I went to my house, had lunch, and hung out. I got a call from the US hehe :D
Then Freja went home to change clothes and check to make sure she could leave. Jenny and Maureen came, then my counselor(with cake!) and a woman, Lucía from the club. My host parents made pizza and when Freja came back, we all had tea and pizza, and they sang happy birthday, and it was looovely. After tea I opened presents. I got PJs from my abuelos(they've noticed I like PJs....), a jacket from mis papás, a white cardigan from Ignacio, reallyyy nice lapiz azul earrings from my counselor, a scarf from Lucía, and a waaaaaaay nice lapiz azul from my Rotary club! They're so nice!
Lucía and my counselor stayed for a bit to talk, and left at about 11. Then the Serena girls all went to my room, turned on some reggaeton and danced and got ready until two classmates(who gave me the presents) came and picked us up at about 12. And then....we danced the night away in a disco. It was a looot of fun. I saw a lot of people I knew, and got many birthday hugs, AND I got in free since it was my birthday. All in was probably the greatest day this whole year. Absolutely NOTHING bad happened all day...and I was surrounded by people I love and care about and who love and care about me, and it was just....amazing. I can't believe how incredibly lucky I've been here, to have such an incredible host family, amazing exchange friends, wicked nice and reliable counselor, and not to mention how awesome my club is. I'm going to miss them all SO much when I leave. Bah. I can't think about it.
Here are some fotos from Día del Alumno, and I'm going to make another entry for my birthday pics:
The breakfast:
